Just a quick post in case you are trying to use a JSF page as a welcome file. This is what you'll need in your web.xml:
October 5, 2014
JSF 2.2 Welcome File
September 28, 2014
Could not find backup for factory javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory
Recently I was porting a JEE application’s development environment from an outdated version of IDEA to Maven and NetBeans. After some effort I got the two builds to yeild pretty much the same EAR files.
The next step was to connect JBoss (version 7.1.1.Final in this case) to the project and begin development. However when I deployed the EAR to JBoss using NetBeans. I got the following error:
13:32:42,744 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/sc]] (MSC service thread 1-14) StandardWrapper.Throwable: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find backup for factory javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. at javax.faces.FactoryFinder$FactoryManager.getFactory(FactoryFinder.java:1008) [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final] at javax.faces.FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.java:343) [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final] at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.init(FacesServlet.java:302) [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(StandardWrapper.java:1202) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:1102) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(StandardContext.java:3655) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3873) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:] at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.WebDeploymentService.start(WebDeploymentService.java:90) [jboss-as-web-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final] at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1811) at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.run(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1746) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) [rt.jar:1.7.0_51] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) [rt.jar:1.7.0_51] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744) [rt.jar:1.7.0_51]
Needless to say, that was unexpected. Now the common answer from Google on this error is that there are multiple copies of JSF confusing the issue. That did not jibe with my situation as I do not pack JSF with this application.
The first thing I tried was to make sure the entire tool chain was using JDK 7. NetBeans had been compiling with JDK 8 so it seemed possible this was causing a class loading conflict. But this failed to alleviate the issue.
The next thing I tried was taking the exploded EAR file from the Maven target directory and deploying it by hand. No problems when deploying that way.
Some more investigation revealed that NetBeans was deploying the EAR archive, not the exploded directory. When I deployed the archive manually, I reproduced the error. At least I had eliminated NetBeans as a potential source of blame.
When investigating the differences between the exploded EAR directory and the EAR archive I discovered that what you see is not what you get with Maven. I think the issue is that the various Maven plugins for WAR and EAR building are not applied when creating the exploded directories.
So to eliminate these differences I took the Maven EAR archive and extracted it in the JBoss deployments directory and deployed it by hand. To my surprise there was no error.
So there seemed to be a difference between deploying the application as an EAR archive vs an EAR directory. I had one final arrow left in my quiver: I would try deploying the EAR archive as produced by the previous build process.
That EAR archive worked like a champ. Now I needed to figure out the difference between the two archives. The contents were essentially the same but one difference stood out: the WAR and EJB jar files in the working archive were archives themselves, whereas they were exploded in the broken EAR archive.
That was easy enough to fix: just remove the <unpack> directives from the POM for the EAR. Now a I had deployments working from within NetBeans.
TL;DR: Don’t use exploded WARs inside of an unexploded EAR archive.
February 16, 2014
SELinux and ssh
I've had this one as a draft post for a while and I just ran into the it again, so it's time to to publish it.
I had a Linux server setup that I was getting a new developer to connect to. Whatever we tried, we could not get him logged in via ssh using keys. I verified the home directory permissions (at most 755), the .ssh directory permissions (700), the permissions of the files in the .ssh directory (600). Other users could connect to the server using keys. The developer could use the same client to connect to other ssh servers using keys.
Finally it occurred to me to check the SELinux context on the .ssh directory; it was missing the ssh_home_t context. The repair is simple: restorecon -r -vv .ssh
If you don't trust restorecon or you are just looking for an alternate fix, you can delete the .ssh directory and have the user connect to another ssh server from the target machine. This will build the .ssh directory on the target server when the known_hosts file is created.